Sunday, September 13, 2015

Mediation Might Keep Your Relationship From Dissolving

People can settle disagreements by telling their side of the story and presenting their ideas on how to resolve problems. In mediation, a mediator helps both sides to talk and be heard, but does not take sides in any dispute. Mediation is a good option when both partners are willing to work together and make compromises. When an agreement is reached the mediator will put it in writing and have both parties sign it. Reasons why mediation could be a good option for you are as follows:

1. Cheaper than going to court.

If you do not have to pay a lawyer to go to court for you, it can save you a lot of money. Some mediators also charge for their services on a sliding scale so you will only pay what you can afford.

2. What you say is confidential.

What you discuss during mediation cannot be used against you during any legal proceedings. This gives you much more freedom to communicate your true needs and issues. Solutions to problems can be found more easily and simply when you feel free to talk.

3. You are in the driver’s seat.

In court, the final decision regarding your dispute is made for you, whether you agree with the outcome or not. In mediation, you and your partner come to a voluntary agreement. If you can’t agree, you can abandon the mediation.

If you and your partner are willing to talk and work things out, mediation may actually resolve your problems and save your relationship. If mediation is of interest to you, check out this website to learn more about family law services in Poway.

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