Sunday, September 27, 2015

Keeping a Good Relationship With Your Children During a Divorce

Children are often a casualty in a divorce. They are being pulled between two parents who they both love. This can be tough. Make sure you are staying close to your kids throughout the divorce process.

Judge who refused to keep 6 kids in foster care defends his decision after their slayings

A Texas judge is defending his 2013 decision to return six children to the Houston home where they were slain on Saturday along with their mother and her more

Tips To Deal With A Domestic Violence Case

Domestic violence is an unfortunate situation, but if you want to keep yourself protected, it is very important to take any domestic violence case seriously. If you find yourself in the midst of a case, there are some things that can help ensure the case goes as smoothly as possible.

Do Not Be Afraid to Call the Police

If the offender continues to harass you or otherwise tries to intimidate you, call the police. This is the best way to keep yourself protected. If the police document all instances of unauthorized contact, this can be used in court to strengthen your case.

Seek Counseling

Counseling is a must when you are enthralled in domestic violence. It will help you to cope with the issues while also enabling you to get past the violence and rebuild your life. If children are involved, counseling can help them to deal with emotions and other issues they are having due to the situation.

Trust your Lawyer

Above all else, trust in your lawyer. He or she is experienced with these situations and can offer you guidance. If you are concerned or have questions, don’t be afraid to get help from your lawyer, and if your lawyer gives you advice, follow it.

Being involves in a domestic violence case is a tough situation. It isn’t something anyone wants to deal with, but if you keep a level head, you should be able to get through it with the help of a good lawyer. Visit this website to learn more about a divorce lawyer in Monterey.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Find an Arrangement That Works for Kids

When you and your spouse are separating, it might be a good idea to discuss with your attorney the many different custody arrangements. You need to find an arrangement that will be easiest and the smoothest transition for your kids.

Resolve Your Divorce or Separation Out of Court

When spouses or domestic partners get ready to file for divorce or legal separation, they may have different points of view on issues like property division, custody of the children, or more

Tips To Deal With Depression After A Divorce To Discuss With Your Divorce Attorney In Palm Springs

Divorce is not only one of the top most stressful life experiences that a person can go through. It is also extremely stressful. Here are five proven depression busters to get you out of your post-divorce funk.

Get a Hobby

Nothing gets you quite out of your own head like a new hobby. If there is something you have always wanted to do but never got around to, then now might be a great time to start. Doing something with your hands, for example, is one thing that calms many people down.

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Stepping out of your comfort zone can be scary but it also carries with it an element of liberation. After a divorce, one of the ways that you can beat down depression is to step out of your comfort zone and do something outside of your comfort zone. For example, enroll in school, finally take those taekwondo classes you’ve been wanting to try. Identify your goals and figure out how to meet them and get started.

Create a Plan

It can be difficult to make yourself do anything and operate as you normally would have after a divorce. One thing that you can do to combat this is to create a plan for your day. Schedule your meals, activities, and everything else you plan to do in the day without overscheduling yourself.

Visit this website to learn more about how your divorce attorney in Palm Springs can help you deal with depression after a divorce.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

How Is Child Custody Determined?

If you are thinking about attempting to get custody of your children, you may wonder how it is even determined in the first place. After a woman gives birth without being married, it is assumed that she is going to take custody of the child and then share it with the father. However, it does not always work that way. Some people give birth and decide to breakup shortly after, which means some type of agreement is necessary to determine who the child will spend his or her time with during certain days.

Each child custody case is unique because no two parents are the same. There are several things that must be considered before everything gets settled. The judge will first want to know if the two parents are willing to work out an agreement. There are some parents who have been able to sit down with their lawyers and a mediator to come up with a custodial agreement. While it works out for some parents, it is not for everyone. There are some people who simply cannot agree to anything, and those cases often must go to court.

The main concern for the judge is making sure that the child has what he or she needs. In fact, the judge will make an attempt to be as fair as possible, but will make sure to do more of a background check on both parents. If one parent has a bit of a record, it does not mean he or she will be denied custody. However, supervised visitation may be necessary. In many cases, the judge grants primary custody to the mother while the father still has rights and gets to see the child on specific days. However, there are some parents who are awarded joint custody, which means they share an equal amount of time with the child.

If the child is old enough, the judge may ask a few questions about his or her home life.  The goal is to ensure the little one is receiving a good education, living in a safe home and being treated well by the parents. If any manipulation or abuse has been going on, it will be addressed in the courtroom before a final decision is made. It is often best for the parents to have a healthy co-parenting relationship for their little one. The relationship may not have worked well between the two of them, but that certainly does not mean they cannot work together to raise their child and give him or her that wonderful upbringing. For more information on getting a child custody lawyer in Irvine, visit this website.

Child Support Information On The Go

The California Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) is pleased to offer customers the ease and convenience of using Internet-enabled mobile devices to access our most more

How To Heal From The Emotional Rollercoaster Of A Divorce

Getting a divorce is an emotional rollercoaster that begins before the dissolution of your marriage and continues after your marriage is over. Healing may seem hopeless, but it is possible if you take a healthy approach.

Allow Yourself to Grieve

No matter the circumstances, it’s necessary to grieve the loss of your marriage. Don’t suppress or deny your feelings. Letting them surface will help you understand yourself and work through your negative emotions. Although you may experience all the stages of grief, the process won’t be linear. It will be more like a spiral, with you revisiting certain phases but still moving forward.

Find a Support System

You don’t need to heal on your own. Rely on trustworthy friends and family to uplift you when you’re overwhelmed. Join a recovery group to connect with people with whom you can relate. It’s also wise to see a therapist or spiritual leader for professional guidance.

Reform Your Identity

Now that you are no longer part of a couple, it’s time to rediscover yourself. Review your strengths and weaknesses with honesty. Write down goals you want to achieve and values that are important to you. Make new friends and try new hobbies and activities. Find out what helps you be happy and feel most like your true self.

You Can Heal

With time and the right care, it’s possible to heal after a divorce. It’s completely in your power. To learn more and find a divorce lawyer in Newport Beach to start the divorce process, visit this website.

Kids Come First

In a family legal dispute, it’s easy to lose sight of the end goal and instead get angry with the other party. It’s important to remind yourself that in the end, the best interests of the children trump your own.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Leaving toddler in car isn't necessarily child neglect, state supreme court says

A mother who left her child in a running car for about 10 minutes in 55 degree weather is entitled to a hearing on whether the actions constituted neglect warranting her placement on a child-abuse registry, the New Jersey Supreme Court has more

3 Ways To Recreate Your Life After A Divorce

The pain of divorce doesn’t go away once the legal process is complete, even if you are the one who wanted the dissolution of your marriage. It can be difficult not to let this negativity overtake your life. Follow these three tips to help you let go and recreate a fulfilling life after divorce.

1. Rediscover Your Self-Identity

The most important thing to do is reconnect with yourself. You may have lost or forgotten who you are as an individual after being part of a couple for so long. Rediscover your interests, hobbies, and beliefs, especially any you gave up during your marriage. Take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Seeing a therapist or religious leader can help you gain better perspective and healing.

2. Make New Friends

Things may get awkward with some of your friends. They may not feel comfortable hanging out with you as a single or they may have taken your ex’s side. Even if your friends stick by you, it’s a good idea to meet new people who fit your demographic to gain a support system and help you learn how to be social again.

3. Date Casually

Once you feel you are in a healthy place, start dating again. However, take it slowly and avoid jumping into a serious relationship right away. Enjoy this time to get to know people and figure out what you want in a partner to avoid making the same mistakes.

Your future can be bright after divorce. Don’t let the painful process keep you from looking forward with hope. To find a family law firm in Irvine that can help you, go here.

Financial Headaches

This woman seems highly burdened by financial troubles. If your relationship situation is complicated, working with a lawyer may help you to create a more stable financial environment.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Fugitive mom captured in parental kidnap case; did vaccination issue prompt her exit?

A little over a year after a mom and her young daughter disappeared, the fugitive Florida woman has been captured and is being held in a federal parental kidnapping more

Make Divorce Less Traumatic Through Divorce Mediation

Divorces become nasty when the parties involved act out of anger and revenge. Your divorce doesn’t have to be that way, however. If you and your spouse both agree on trying to figure out what is best for everyone involved, especially children, then divorce mediation is the right track for you.

What is Mediation?

Mediation uses a neutral third-party member, the mediator, to facilitate communication in deciding the terms of your divorce. Mediators are not lawyers or judges and can’t force you to make decisions, though they can end the service if there is no cooperation. Their goal is to help you two work together in finding the best arrangements for the divorce.

What Are the Benefits?

Mediation eliminates court battles, aggressive lawyers, and other hurtful behaviors associated with litigation. Without these usual sources of pain, the emotional distress for all parties is much lower. The process is much quicker and cheaper as well, making it a practical option, too.

When children are affected, mediation becomes even more important. As sincere as judges are in determining what is best for the children, no one knows better than their own parents. When you and your spouse mutually agree on custody and other parenting issues, you’re more likely to stick to the set terms and get along for the children’s sakes. Your civil behavior results in less trauma for them.

Where to Start?

If this approach sounds appealing to you, ask your spouse if he or she is willing to try it. If the answer is yes, then find a mediator in your area. To start divorce mediation in Newport Beach, go to this website.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Kids Shouldn’t Have to Choose

Divorce is difficult for a couple, but even harder on the children. To reduce your kids’ stress, don’t bad mouth your former spouse in front of them or create obstacles to make it harder for them to spend time with your ex.

Paternity means fatherhood

Establishing paternity is the process of determining the legal father of a child. When parents are married, paternity is automatically established in most cases. If parents are unmarried, paternity establishment is not automatic and the process should be more

Mediation Might Keep Your Relationship From Dissolving

People can settle disagreements by telling their side of the story and presenting their ideas on how to resolve problems. In mediation, a mediator helps both sides to talk and be heard, but does not take sides in any dispute. Mediation is a good option when both partners are willing to work together and make compromises. When an agreement is reached the mediator will put it in writing and have both parties sign it. Reasons why mediation could be a good option for you are as follows:

1. Cheaper than going to court.

If you do not have to pay a lawyer to go to court for you, it can save you a lot of money. Some mediators also charge for their services on a sliding scale so you will only pay what you can afford.

2. What you say is confidential.

What you discuss during mediation cannot be used against you during any legal proceedings. This gives you much more freedom to communicate your true needs and issues. Solutions to problems can be found more easily and simply when you feel free to talk.

3. You are in the driver’s seat.

In court, the final decision regarding your dispute is made for you, whether you agree with the outcome or not. In mediation, you and your partner come to a voluntary agreement. If you can’t agree, you can abandon the mediation.

If you and your partner are willing to talk and work things out, mediation may actually resolve your problems and save your relationship. If mediation is of interest to you, check out this website to learn more about family law services in Poway.